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"Mona eloquently writes about her authentic journey to understand our heavenly Daddy's love for her, as she is, with no pretenses. Mona incorporates her God-given scientific mind with scripture and teachings from pastors whom she admires to emphasize her learnings for all of us. Readers will be able to join her on the journey as Mona invites us to reflect and apply scripture and teaching at the end of each chapter. I highly recommend the book to take a closer look at our own relationship with God."

Tracy Carsten Nadal, Author and Retreat Facilitator

"Hellbent and Heavenward offers practical tools for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing from wrong thinking. Mona Rosene's love for Papa God and her hunger to know Him more have helped her discover answers through scripture and science that she generously shares with the reader. If you are dealing with eating disorders, destructive habits, or addictions, and sense God's loving whisper leading you toward freedom, this well-researched and informative book may just be your first step."

Christine Tracy, Author of Tapestry - The Divine Design For Your Life

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27).

"Peace, Shalom, Wholeness, Completeness. We all seek peace, the completeness known by Adam and Eve in the garden with their loving Creator. Moment by moment our peace is threatened or elusive as we focus on the world instead of the Creator of all, Jesus. Join Mona as she shares her journey towards peace. I found much in her story that resonates with my own: the striving for perfection, the drive to perform, the longing for acceptance, and the belief that I’m not quite enough for whatever situation I’m facing. Her path and the solutions she offers are illuminating; not surprisingly, since she bases them on our Lord’s word, “a lamp to my feet”.

Whether as an individual or in a small group setting, I believe you will benefit by reading her story and DOING the applications she suggests at the end of each chapter.
I met Mona 5 years ago when I moved to Colorado and subsequently joined a church hiking group. Out of this group, the Lord has built a community of 15-20 who fellowship around campfires, homes, and God’s Word, encouraging and strengthening each other in our walks with Jesus. Besides discussing some of the issues Mona raises in her book, I have also had the privilege of helping her explore some of the work challenges that occur for someone seeking to fulfill her God given calling." 

Tom, TML Advisors, LLC 

"I have known Mona for almost 18 years. I have witnessed her journey and walked with her through many of her struggles to encounter God. This book is a victory and witness of the love and pursuit of God for every one of His children. If you struggle with reconciling an analytical and pragmatic mind with faith and the spiritual nature of God, I believe this book will help you on your journey.  Mona states the purpose of the book “that you break out of any prison that you may have created through the lies the enemy whispers in your ear and live in the freedom Jesus gave you through His death and resurrection.” I believe she has nailed it! Mona never stopped asking “how” and that is the gift of her scientific mind. This book gives you the path to discover how to have the intimate relationship with the One who created you to know Him and His extravagant love for you. Thank you, Mona for never, never, never giving up. Your story will bless the world and help many know and understand God in a new and deeper way."

Cheryl Jackson, Certified Gallup Strengths Coach, Live Life Fully Coaching

"Hellbent and Heavenward is a beautiful book that delves into the interplay between our mind, body, and soul.  The book unravels the mental, physical, and spiritual prisons we create for ourselves. With insightful wisdom and anecdotes, Mona invites the reader into a journey of self-reflection and offers applications to guides us through this journey of self-exploration.  "Hellbent and Heavenward" is an essential compass for those seeking to unlock their true potential and live a life of greater authenticity and fulfillment."

Salt Garrison, Business Coach, Corporate Trainer, Speaker, Human Behavior Specialist  

"I met Mona through mutual friends who met on Wednesday evenings to share a meal and discuss a book. Through the years we walked through popular self-help books and Bible studies, and shared our many life experiences. We’ve enjoyed untold meals together in our homes, in ministry experiences, and on special occasions. As Mona’s book title eludes, her life is direct, passionate, and honest, and targets her own personal victories. She’s successfully navigated both relationship and professional challenges, coming out ahead at every turn. As she found her voice, we’ve had her share her stories with our church family on Sunday mornings and our local high school group. I was with Mona when she first comprehended the “how” of writing a book and now, it’s a reality. Even with shared years together, reading Hellbent and Heavenward made me appreciate all the more Mona’s ability to pull back the curtain of life’s experiences and reveal more clearly the important internal dialogue that makes Mona, Mona. 

As a college biochemistry major, I can relate to Mona’s love of science and how it reveals the intricacies of creation and demands recognition of a Creator. I, too, am fascinated with quantum physics and believe that it is the gateway of understanding true spirituality and explains how the spiritual world operates. So, dear reader, jump into a life well lived and enjoy a walk behind the curtain of one who has lived Hellbent and Heavenward."

Lori Cox, Math Dept. Academic Coordinator, USAF Major, retired  

"This book is more than one person’s story; it is a journey in progress. I wouldn’t expect anything less from Mona – gutsy, practical, and tenacious faith. I not only recommend her book to believers but for anyone who has questions about life, such as “Is there meaning and purpose for me?” “Who is the Divine Architect?” “What happens when we mess up?” “Does science and faith complement or conflict with each other?” I’m excited to read Mona's next book as I’m sure there is much more to come!"

Pastor Ron Cox, Church on the Rock, Thornton, Colorado 


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© 2023 by Mona Rosene | Christian Author

Sharing God's ♡ from Colorado

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